On the 23rd of May, in Łukasiewicz-ITEE in Radom, all Polish project partners attended in a working meeting. We have discussed in detail the work carried out so far in the first intellectual output (IO1) – “Foresight methodology for future-oriented labour market”. The Białystok University of Technology presented the first version of the methodology that will be the basis for the creation of an IT tool, and we also discussed the list of factors having a potential impact on the labor market. Thanks to the meeting, the research partners could consult the technological possibilities with IMD – the partner responsible for creating the IT tool. Work is currently underway to improve the methodology and translate it into a draft version of the FORhesIT tool.
The project “Foresight-oriented IT system supporting higher education and career development (FORhesIT)” benefits from a grant of EUR 148,620.00 received 85% from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants and 15% from Poland’s Government Budget (Project number: EEA/21/K4/W/0118).