The opportunity to present the FORhesIT CREATE THE FUTURE tool to a wider group of potential users was the Radom Engineer’s Day, which took place on 19.10.2023 at the Radom Sports Centre.
The event was addressed to young Radom residents – high school graduates, who had the opportunity to learn about the profession of engineer, fields of education in this area at the University of Radom, as well as the activities of companies located in the Radom subregion.
The participants had a unique opportunity to talk about the experience of being an engineer with both titled scientists and young people – engineers who passionately pursue their engineering challenges in their professional work.
At the same time, workshops dedicated mainly to secondary vocational school teachers, university lecturers and career counsellors were held on the competences of the future, and these are undoubtedly related to foresight. Jolanta Religa, PhD, FORhesIT project manager, presented a proposal for an IT tool that facilitates planning of the professional future in the face of uncertainty and unpredictability of the environment. Participants had a chance to learn about the functionalities of the FORhesIT CREATE THE FUTURE tool, which supports the process of creating alternative scenarios for professional development, based on the foresight methodology. Dr. Religa invited all interested parties to the process of testing this tool scheduled for November this year
The organizers of the Radom Engineer’s Day were the Municipality of Radom, as well as: Platforma Przemysłu Przyszłości , Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa Ziemi Radomskiej , Radomski Klaster Metalowy , Radomska Rada Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych NOT, Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji w Radomiu, Uniwersytet Radomski im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego , Zespół Szkół Technicznych im. Tadeusza Kościuszki
Projekt „System IT wspierający szkolnictwo wyższe i rozwój kariery z wykorzystaniem metodyki foresight (FORhesIT)” korzysta z dofinansowania o wartości 148.620,00 EUR otrzymanego w 85% od Islandii, Lichtensteinu i Norwegii w ramach Funduszy EOG oraz w 15% z budżetu państwa (nr projektu: EOG/21/K4/W/0118).